My fav Sublime Text shortcuts
These are the most common keyboard shortcuts that I use in Sublime Text 2 (windows):
Ctrl + Shift + P – Commands list
Ctrl + P – Go to anything. I just hit Ctrl+P and type parts of files I want to open – huge time saver.
Ctrl + Space – Auto completion.
Alt + 1, 2, 3, 4, … – Switch between open files’ tabs. Not to waste your time grabbing a mouse, and clicking on a tab.
Ctrl + PgUp/PgDn – Cicles throught the open files
Ctrl + click somewhere in your code – multiplies your caret, so you can simultaneously enter, delete, overwrite your code. Hitting Esc will exit this function.
Alt + Shift + W – Wrap selection with a tag. Select text, hit shortcut, enter tag’s name, done.
Ctrl + Shift + T – Open last closed file
Alt + Shift + 1,2,3,4,5,… – Splits the screen into multiple views for multiple files
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + B – Opens/Closes the file explorer
Ctrl + G – Goto line
Ctrl + H – Replace
Ctrt + F – Find
Shift + Ctrl + D – Duplicates the current line, or the selection, if something is selected.
Ctrl + D – If nothing is selected, (can be previous selected) the current word closest to the caret is selected. Keep hitting this shortcut will select near strings that are a match, and can be used for multiple editing.
Hope helps someone ~:o)